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Attractive and snug, Smokvica in Molerova is a casual atmosphere restaurant and at the same time a friendly neighborhood café, designed in Provence style.

When you step into a snug Vracar courtyard, you will be surprised by the size of the flower garden and the sophisticated style of this place. The garden is paved with bricks, tables are placed under trees which make colorful shade, and a place on the arched terrace gives you a nice view of the entire spacious garden. We claim that are few things in life that are better than a light meal with a glass of wine in this pleasant atmosphere.

During the cold days, a special delight is provided by the closed part of Smokvica, that is the comfortable Vracar french charm house. In it you can eat alongside a romantic fireplace with candles.

Opening hours:

Monday: 08:00 – 00:00
Tuesday: 08:00 – 00:00
Wednesday: 08:00 – 00:00
Thursday: 08:00 – 00:00
Friday: 08:00 – 01:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 01:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 00:00

Attractive and snug, Smokvica in Molerova is a casual atmosphere restaurant and at the same time a friendly neighborhood café, designed in Provence style.

When you step into a snug Vracar courtyard, you will be surprised by the size of the flower garden and the sophisticated style of this place. The garden is paved with bricks, tables are placed under trees which make colorful shade, and a place on the arched terrace gives you a nice view of the entire spacious garden. We claim that are few things in life that are better than a light meal with a glass of wine in this pleasant atmosphere.

During the cold days, a special delight is provided by the closed part of Smokvica, that is the comfortable Vracar french charm house. In it you can eat alongside a romantic fireplace with candles.

Opening hours for holidays:

31.12.  8h – 22h
01.01.  10h – 00h

06.01.   8h – 20h
07.01.   10h – 22h

Opening hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday
08h – 00h restaurant

Friday and Saturday
08h – 01h restaurant


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Choose a room according to your needs. Provide yourself a quiet sleep in a pleasant ambience.
Start a new day with a superb breakfast.